Crystal Light Giveaway Part 2 :: Managing Stress

BlogHer Reviewer This is sponsored content from BlogHer and Crystal Light.

As a newly married woman I have found that I am learning how to deal with stress differently.  All alone I can have a pity party and freak out and stuff my face with junk food.  But now that I am sharing my life with with someone else, how I deal with stress has been a learning experience._JLD1154 We can not control the situations that life brings us.  But we do have control over how we react to these occurrences.  In our nine months of wedded bliss, acting like a five year old, crying, running around with my head cut off, and choosing to be short with my husband has neither relieved me of my stress or won me any wife of the year awards.  We all need to be upset and have our emotions validated from time to time but we can get through it with some positive choices that will set us in the right direction.  Though it is often tempting to plop myself in front of the TV with some cheez-its and ice cream, I try to take a healthier route and follow these five stress relieving strategies:

1. Work out: I know, we have all heard this one.  But really, it does work.  There are many mornings where I wake up holding on to the previous day’s frustrations but if I can drag myself to the gym, within an hour later, my problems seem less like the world is going to end.  Nothing like a good sweat and some rehydration to boost your mood.  Extra points if you take a class or are friends with some usuals at the gym.  Adding in a little socializing always helps.  CIMG0149 2. Find a hobby: There is something about working with my hands and getting mentally and physically involved in a project that takes my mind off of what is stressing me out.

3. Write: I often journal to get my feelings out on paper (you may share this common release as fellow bloggers).  I am able to get my feelings off my chest (without offending anyone or taking my frustration out on someone else) and can usually work through the issue to see the positive side of it all.  Blogging has also been a great source for working through my thoughts.  Many of my most heart felt posts are written with new gained perspective after dealing with some sort of stressful situation. CIMG7433 4. Talk to a friend: This one is hard for me as I would much rather sulk at home alone.  But sometimes I need to let go of my introverted ways and reach out to someone.  Often it is a matter of just having someone listen or to gain some new perspective. 

5. Look back at the good: I have a jar that I call my “manna jar” where I write down reminders of the good things in life.  Many of these little scraps of paper are stories of a difficult time I was going through and how things panned out for the positive.  By looking back at how I got through various tough spots in life, I am reminded that I will get through this one as well. 

Many of these strategies I have heard time and time again, yet somehow I still fall into the trap of allowing stress to invade my positive thinking.  By revisiting my own lists of strategies, I am reminded to take a deep breath, follow my own advice, and get through it.  So go ahead, make a list and follow your own stress relieving advice!

How do you manage stress in your life?


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Thanks to Crystal Light I am offering a $100 gift card giveaway to my readers over a four week series where we discuss the importance of hydration.  During this four post series every post you comment on (answering that week’s question) will be an additional entry into the giveaway.  So be sure to come back each week to give your input!Click to comment on: Crystal Light Giveaway Part 1 :: Staying Hydrated

You can also check out other bloggers’ reviews and have 6 more chances to win $100 as well as a $1,000 sweepstakes on the round-up page: CLB exclusive offers page

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Crystal Light Website

Sweepstakes runs from 7/5-8/1/2010


Heidi Pocketbook said...

Putting my ipod on and listening to some "happy" music--something with a beat and usually from a different era. Who can't be happy listening to something as simple as The Beach Boys or jiving with the Bee Gees?

Diana said...

I like to craft and chat with friends and I enjoy the occasional late evening talks with my husband to relieve stress. I also find that a good cleaning session in my home helps also.

Mami2jcn said...

I manage stress by taking time out, walking away if I need to, and taking deep breaths.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

This is such a great Giveaway! :)

Honestly, I don't always manage stress the right way. Sometimes I turn to food. :s Sometimes I'll read a book to escape. Wish I did the workouts. ;)

Melissa's Thoughts said...

I seem to let stress go a little to far in my life. To the point of wanting or needing to explode to get relief. But what I found works so well for me is getting in the car and doing one of two things. 1) play my feel good song, I love beach music or 2) something my son call car therapy. When he was little and going through therapy due to he and his dad's relationship, he wanted to scream and punch things. The therapist told him to get in the car and count to 3 and scream as loud as he could...telling me first of cours. This worked so well and after letting it all out, we would laugh and laugh. Journaling also works as I can let it all out on paper.

Lou Ann said...

Take a deep breath - Pray -Exercise - Read the Bible, for it's "alive and active" and can help to calm.

becca jordan said...


just kidding! i know that's not healthy (unfortunately).

i turn my brain off! i just compartmentalize and don't think about it. things that help switch my focus are cleaning, organizing, or just plain plopping down on the couch and watching a movie (romantic comedy of course!)

Lucy said...

Sitting down with a big cup of coffee and a fashion magazine is my go-to destresser. Totally fun and indulgent.

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I'll admit I don't always deal with stress in the best ways. I do know from past experience that working out does help. If only I could get back into that routine. Normally what I need to de-stress is some alone time. Like right now, all the kids are in bed and I am sitting in the quiet reading blogs. I need the "me time".

SarahJarnagin said...

To be honest, I usually pray for situations and try to trust God. Cleaning is a stress reliever for me too!

Keonté Smith said...

It's simple...retail therapy.

Becky Williams said...

I take deep breathes...hold them in for a few seconds and then release. I may do this 5 times. I am either going to pass out (not happened yet) or feel much better :)

Anonymous said...

I manage my stress by using Doterra Essentail Oils, the lavender is supposed to relieve stress and it DOES! It is amazing and I love it as much as I love crystal light!

Patrice said...

A nap goes a long way towards helping me fight stress. I don't get one often enough, but they help.

Just call me "B" said...

Usually, I go for a "long-run".....that helps renew my mind and my spirit. If I need to, I put on my praise music, and go for it!

anonymous said...

I manage stress by watching funny movies or TV shows and listening to soothing music. LPoser1 (at) gmail (dot) com

Deb said...

My three biggest stress relievers are 1: exercising (something aerobic that makes me focus only on accomplishing the task at hand), 2: stretching and 3: hydration. I find I'm much more irritable/prone to stress if I'm dehydrated. But I'm pretty good at doing all three (lucky for my husband!).

Unknown said...

I get outside and enjoy nature.
Get alittle sunshine and do some socializing is how I manage stress.

JC said...

Take a walk and be alone help me to manage stress.

nape said...

When I'm too stressed, I try to concentrate on breathing deeply. What I intend to do is begin yoga. I have a couple of introductory DVDs, and am in search of a yoga mat.

Thanks for a great giveaway!

kendra said...

i manage stress by pounding it out on the treadmill it makes me feel in control and i feel good about taking care of my body

J. My @ Urban Rituals said...

Go on a Run!
Dance naked in your bedroom!
Walk the puppy!
Take a bubble bath!
Get a Pedicure!
Consider the stress others are under and realize that yours isnt so bad.
If all else fails, happy hour!

Unknown said...

If I'm feeling stressed, I go to my room and do some relaxation exercises until I feel calmer

Kristi said...

Pray, look at the ocean, read the bible, read a blog, go for a walk, go shopping...ok so the last one is not so healthy ;)

kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com

Brittany said...

Honestly, when I am overly stressed, I crave a 'shut-down' more than anything. I turn off the television, the computer, the blackberry... rest in my bed and usually wind up falling asleep until I wake up - and I always feel refreshed and renewed ready and have a better mindset to tackle whatever is stressing me!

Michelle said...

Awsome post! I find that my issue is NOT OVERREACTING! Ugh. I can usually control my stress pretty welll, hobbies, writing, reading, gardening...but I seem to react the wrong way about things. :( I'm working on it though. That's the first step, right? :)

momof2Boys said...

I love to chat with friends and craftto control stress.

girlsmama said...

Sometimes I give myself a time out. With four kiddos I usually have to hide to do that, but even 5 minutes to just sit and breathe helps.

MoneySavinDiva said...

I clean. Whenever I get upset or stressed I f

MoneySavinDiva said...

I clean. Whenever I get upset or stressed I find something that needs tidy-ed up or organized. It gives me time to think and stew over whatever I'm stressed about.

Charity S said...

That's something that I'm still working on. I usually just calm down, and sit by myself.

charisscharity at yahoo dot com

~natalie said...

i try to carve out a little time for myself, focus on the blessings in my life, put on some great music and dance, walk or just chill. the best thing for me really is just focusing on the positive and remembering all the good things in my life.

Megan A. @ Megan Homemade said...

I love the manna jar idea! I usually try and listen to music. It always makes me feel better.

Ashlee Wylie said...

Nature/Photography Walks! I take my camera and walk! Get out and smell the roses...Nothing like capturing outdoor beauty through a lens, it distracts you from what ever it was that was stressing you out! It helps your brain to focus on being creative rather then negative emotions. Plus fresh air and warm sun raises the serotonin in the brain leaving you smiling a little more and stressed a little less :)

Just Charming said...

If I'm stressed I always talk to my husband. Even if the stress is related to something he is or is not doing. I choose my words carefully so as not to sound like a nag, but I make it a point to tell him how I feel so that I can relieve myself of the stress. It generally works... a good nights sleep helps, too :)