Crystal Light Giveaway-Part 1 :: Staying Hydrated

This is sponsored content from BlogHer and Crystal Light.

As women we often get caught up in day to day life and usually put our needs on the backburner in order to take care of others.  Whether this is at work, at home with you kids, or with your husband, too often life takes up our “me” time.

Urke-272 As I have adapted to married life I find that a lot of my free time I once had as a single girl is now dedicated to home management and taking care of my husband’s needs, which leads to a lot less “me” time.  For me my “me” time is taking care of my body and finding time to do things that I am passionate about.  CIMG9901 I love carving out time to spend on home decor projects, crafting, and blogging.  But though I do not talk about it much, things like working out, eating right, and staying hydrated are also high priorities on my to-do list (they are just not always as cute to blog about!). 

My desire is to have balance in life between family, friends, work, hobbies, and taking care of myself.  And I also desire to encourage other women to simplify their lives to also achieve this balance.  Throughout all this I find that I can have a better balance in the many hats I wear when I take care of myself first.  If I am taking care of my body and finding time to rejuvenate on my own, I have more energy and a better focus to take care of the tasks of being a wife, daughter, friend, and teacher. 

CIMG8828Crystal Light Shake: Be on the lookout for my recipe soon!

An important aspect of this is staying hydrated.  I often find myself tired, irritable, or hungry only to later realize that I am not hydrated enough.  If you are like me, it is easy to turn to a quick fix like food or caffeine, but it is not always the best choice.  Our bodies need water.  That is why I love Crystal Light.  Sometimes in the middle of the day when I need a sweet fix or on a hot summer day when I am feeling especially parched I turn to Crystal Light.  It is low in calories, delicious, and helps me get an extra amount of water in each day to keep me hydrated and healthy. 

In order to keep myself hydrated I carry around a water bottle wherever I go along with Crystal Light packets in my purse to throw into my water when I need a little extra something. 

How do you remember to drink enough water throughout the day?


Is your body feeling parched and dry? Water it, with Crystal Light. With twenty eight fruity and fabulous flavors, you can be assured of never being thirsty, or bored! It's a delicious, low calorie way to help keep your body hydrated and happy. So grab some Crystal Light today, and Water Your Body.

Thanks to Crystal Light I am offering a $100 gift card giveaway to my readers over a four week series where we discuss the importance of hydration.  During this four post series every post you comment on (answering that week’s question) will be an additional entry into the giveaway.  So be sure to come back each week to give your input!

You can also check out other bloggers’ reviews and have 6 more chances to win %100 as well as a $1,000 sweepstakes on the round-up page: CLB exclusive offers page

Giveaway Official Rules

Crystal Light Website

Sweepstakes runs from 7/5-8/1/2010


Lucy said...

I make sure to drink water with all my meals and snacks except for dinner, when I have iced tea as a "treat." Making water my staple drink keeps me pretty hydrated!

Mami2jcn said...

I remember to drink water by always carrying a bottle with me.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Beth W. said...

Having 4 boys and a hubby...I always forgot to drink during the day. Then, I became 'team mom' for one son's baseball team. Watching those boys sweat in the summer...I started bringing a big cooler filled with ice and water for the dugout. Worrying about them and their kidneys, somehow makes me remember mine! We always have a case of water in the car...chilled and ready! Take care. Beth

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

If I don't carry a bottle I wont remember, thats why there is always one at my desk, there are several in my fridge and even my nightstand.

becca jordan said...

i have a camelbak water bottle i carry around with me. i also have a daily competition with my friend to see who can reach our "drinking" goal first that day. its usually 10 cups a day (we're outside a lot)!

Heather said...

I fill two 32 oz. water bottles in the morning so that I will remember to get my 64 oz throughout the day. It is funny that you mentioned Crystal Light, because I keep some of the "on the go" packs on hand to throw into my water when I am *sick* of drinking plain old water. My fave is white grape...yum!

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I am always drinking something. In the mornings, I drink Diet Coke as my coffee. But I try to drink mostly ice water for the afternoon and evening. I love Crystal Light. Love it! I drink that a lot too. I like to mix the raspberry ice flavor with pink lemonade. YUM! Sometimes if I'm running errands or whatever, I will get dehydrated and start getting a headache. It's then that I remember I haven't had enough to drink and I will chug a big glass of water. :)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Me time? Huh? ;) I'm so glad you're figuring all this out before kids come along, b/c it was a bit of a shocker to me. ;)

I have a big, giant blue Nalgene bottle that I refill with water throughout the day. I believe it's 32 oz. I try to drink 3 bottles worth. I don't always make it, but I try! :)

Can't wait to see your shake recipe!!

Heidi Pocketbook said...

I have two identical glasses that I keep filled with ice water (mainly ice!) and as soon as I finish one I start on the other. If I am outdoors, I fill a half gallon container with ice water and constantly hydrate as I do yard work.

I never thought to mix the raspberry and lemonade flavors of Crystal Light--thanks for the idea, Carmen!

Diana said...

I make sure to have my water pitcher filled in my fridge. Cold water is more appealing than room temperature, so I want to drink more. As a nursing mom, it is so important to stay well hydrated so that I not only take care of myself, but my baby as well.

Sarah Seitz said...

Yum! That looks delicious! I keep my water bottle with me at all time!

sarah @

SarahJarnagin said...

I usually have a glass by the kitchen and sink and fill it with water each time I'm in the kitchen and drink the whole thing. I love water so it really comes easy for me.

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

I drink water when I am thirsty, instead of ice tea or fruit juices. I get water also when eating out and that helps with my water intake, plus, is cheaper. Thanks for hosting a wonderful giveaway. Love & blessings from NC!

Elaine said...

whenever I get slightly hungry, I always make sure to drink a lot of water and I'm not so hungry anymore!

clothed much, a modest fashion blog

Just Charming said...

I always make sure my son has enough to drink, so when he's downing a glass of water I too grab a cup. I use him as a reminder! Since I'm taking care of him, I can think to take care of myself at the same time.

terrid614 said...

i always keep a huge glass filled with ice and water at all times. i add a teeny bit of the crystal light to it to help guzzle! (one pack will last about 4 waters!)....i used to be a huge diet coke drinker and have slowly gotten away from it...

thanks for hosting this giveaway! stay cool!

Ashley Bray said...

I keep a bottle on my desk at all times to remind me to drink. But my staple is the on the go packs, I don't like plain water and this helps me drink more.

Katy {and Kahler} said...

i bought a really cute water bottle from target that has basically become a part of me. it took some getting used to at first, but once it became habit, i felt lost without it! :)

Just call me "B" said...

I keep a fresh glass of ice water on the counter. When I see it, I grab a sip!

~natalie said...

gotta go with the bottle. i have 4 kids 5 and under and am nursing the littlest one. with all those little hands cups are too easily spilled, carried off or dumped on a sibling. i try to keep my bottle with me and have even gotten one for each of the "big" kids to help keep them hydrated (and out of mine). =)

Unknown said...

I make sure that there is always a pitcher of lemonade, tea, or Crystal Light in the refrigerator. When I run errands, go to the movies, etc., I try to always carry a water bottle in my purse and finish it before I get back home.

Anne said...

I tweeted

Miriam T. said...

To help me remember to drink enough water, I use two different water bottles - one at the office and one at home. This way I know that I just need to drink each bottle and I'm good!

samantha said...

I only drink water with my means which helps, and I have a HUUUGE water bottle that I fill at the beginning of each day. I know that by the time Ieave work it has to be empty.

samanthajocampen at gmail

Karla@TheClassyWoman said...

I drink out of a large 1 liter water bottle. At lunch time I refill the bottle again for the rest of the day. This ensures that I get at least 8+ glasses per day.

I love the spa flavor of adding slices of cucumber to my water. Alternatively, I also love orange slices too. :)


Unknown said...

Well having a husband who is thirsty all the time has really helped me! He brings me water when my glass is empty lol! My husband's habit that has rubbed off on me is to always take something to drink when hitting the road to anywhere (it's either that, or we have to stop somewhere if we forgot!)

The other way I keep hydrated is to make sure I'm drinking water throughout the day in between meals. I just keep filling up the glass and making sure I'm taking sips periodically with the goal to hit the bottom of the glass so I can fill it up again.

JC said...

I always have me water bottle with me to remind myself.

J. My @ Urban Rituals said...

Mimosas!!! Wait just kidding. But I did just run 10 miles last week (after a 8 hour work day) so I was sure to fill up my water bottle using neighbors' garden hoses. Dont forget to hydrate your pets too!

DG said...

I get my water in by filling up a bottle each day before work. it holds 1 liter of water so I know at the very least I am getting a liter and some extra- I freeze it to make it better! :)


Unknown said...

I fill up a container full of water that I need to drink for the day and keep it by me at all times.

Unknown said...

I have a big ole cup sitting by me all day with some spring water or vegetable juice in it. I guess that is what makes me remember.

Kristi said...

I always keep a bottle of water with me (the car, bedroom, work). Right now it is sitting next to me on the floor.

kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com

Brittany said...

I honestly have to make a conscience effort to drink the recommended amount of water a day - most days I fail, but thankfully there is a new beginning every morning for me to try, try again!

Michelle said...

Crystal Light actually REALLY helped me in drinking more water. I've been better about drinking plain water but when I first started trying to be more conscious of it I just couldn't stand the taste of adding Crystal Light to the mix changed everything!

momof2Boys said...

I love Crystal Light and can't wait for the shake recipe. I try to drink my 64oz of water I haven't made it yet but get close.

girlsmama said...

I keep three hair things around my water bottle. Each time I finish it I take one off. If all three come off I've had 90oz of water. And now I have to go to the ladies room...

anonymous said...

I remember to drink plenty of water by keeping a water bottle with me all of the time and drinking water with my meals. LPoser1 [at] gmail [dot] com

gpa&gma said...

I remember to drink water by always having a cup on my desk at work and a water bottle in my car during communte. I LOVE Summer!

MoneySavinDiva said...

I keep lots of water bottles filled and in the refrigerator so they are cold and ready to go. I make a benchmark for myself each day with the number of bottles I want to drink. It really works, I like to work towards a goal :)

Charity S said...

I keep plenty of bottle water on hand. It's always easy to remember to drink water, when that's all that you have in the fridge.

charisscharity at yahoo dot com

Megan A. @ Megan Homemade said...

I usually don't remember. :( I try and pour me large glasses of water to sit next to me when I'm at home to help.

Ashlee Wylie said...

Rule 1: When you wake up(right after you pee of course) no matter what, drink 1 8oz glass of water. You will be amazing how refreshed and awake you feel. You body is very dehydrated from lack of fluids for 8 hrs.

Rule 2: Straw it up! Add a straw to any glass of water and you will end up drinking 75% more water! Straws make you gulp more and relax and breath! I love my 60oz water bottle (with a straw of course) from Target..$5! GULP AWAY!!!